Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This Guy Is Building His Own Island (Out of Plastic Bottles)

This Guy Is Building His Own Island (Out of Plastic Bottles): Video | Motherboard

Go here for the rest of the story
“The spiraling pop bottles that actually make the base for the island are very fitting because spirals are the shape of all creation – microcosms, macrocosms, DNA, galaxies; the oldest forms of life were spirals. It is the eternal circle. We are being faced with a population explosion and maybe building islands is the answer. This island is an example of something that could be built worldwide. You could be totally self sufficient with it. All is as natural as possible. I catch rain water for showers, the toilet naturally composts, and you can grow your own produce. "

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Writer Who Couldn't Read : NPR

NPR brings us an interesting story of a man who lost the ability to read due to a stroke which left him with what is termed word blindness.  Unable to recognize the meaning of the shape of an individual letter, reading became impossible.  Unaffected by the stroke, however, was the part of the brain that is responsible for forming letters, and controlling his hands, so although he can't read, he has authored two books since the stroke.  To say he is incapable of reading at all would be a lie, however, as he has even developed the ability to trace the outline of letters with his hand, or more recently, with his tongue on the back of his teeth, in order to determine the letter's meaning.
The Writer Who Couldn't Read : NPR

Back from the Future

I have been living 6 hours in the future for the past month, as I've been traveling around Europe [Hence the lack of posts]. I won't go into the details of my trip here, as that's not what this blog is for, but I will say I had an amazing time and feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to explore the world. Now I'm back,and intend to get back to the grind of daily life (albeit through a different set of goggles), so I'll be posting some cool links this evening. I know you've all been suffering without the service I provide, so I hope you've managed to cope okay. Sorry for the interruption </sarcasm>

Sunday, May 23, 2010

rollerskating in central park

Saw this in central park today.  I also saw a horse drawn carriage almost fall over when the horse got spooked by a drum.  fun day